Purple Mountain Naturals

PMN - Fire Piston, Transparent Plexiglass FireFly Green, Best price

$69.95 $89.00
$69.95 $89.00you save $19.05

PMN - Fire Piston, Transparent Plexiglass FireFly Green, 7-10 days from MFG, Free Shipping

 At the moment of ignition, a burst of light is emitted inside the fire piston. The transparent FireLight pistons reveal this flash of light as a tiny explosion of heat. They also feature the patent pending 2nd Generation pressure relief valve.

With a single push, tinder placed in the end of the piston is spontaneously ignited by the heat of compression, instantly becoming a glowing ember with no more effort than lighting a match. Literally, fire with air….

The patent pending, vented 2nd Generation fire pistons feature state of the art technology, O ring seal reliability and fire lighting performance capability that is simply incredible... 2nd Generation fire pistons are absolutely the hottest firing and latest state of development in compression fire starting.

These fire pistons also feature brass tipped shafts for long service and durability. MFG - Wilderness Solution  

Available in Transparent FireFly Green.

As a 2012 survival device, one of the most compelling aspects of Fire Pistons is their ability to ignite a variety of natural tinders that can be collected in the woods and fields using only the air we breathe. 
Some of these tinders having practical value for fire making include true tinder fungus (Inonotus obliquus ) , mullein pith, milkweed pod ovum, milkweed down, cattail fluff, poplar cotton, wood punk,
In addition, cotton charcloth, familiar to flint and steel firemakers works very well in the fire piston and can be made at home.