Purelybio - Probiotic 40 Billion CFU Maktrek 60ct Capsules
Purelybio - Probiotic 40 Billion CFU Maktrek 60ct Capsules
Better Health Starts With Bacteria — Or Probiotics
At PurelyBio, we offer a range of dietary supplements that are made with natural ingredients to support healthy and pure living. We are proud to provide nutritional products with honest labels, safe and natural ingredients, product potency requirements, and CGMPs (Current Good Manufacturing Practice). Whether you’re looking for help losing weight or if you need more energy, our products, including the PurelyBio Probiotic, can fill in any dietary gaps. With more than 10 years of experience in the health supplement industry, we are passionate about providing the highest-quality products for people who deserve pure living.
What is a Probiotic?
When we think about probiotics, we might go straight to a yogurt commercial. But let’s take a step back and look at what a probiotic really is, not just about foods that contain probiotics.
It may be strange to think about, but probiotics are living microorganisms, or bacteria, that can provide a variety of health benefits. The microorganisms can be found in foods (like yogurt), health supplements, or when certains foods are prepared by bacterial fermentation, like kimchi. Unlike antibiotics (anti-life), which are meant to kill bacteria, but can kill both good and bad bacteria — probiotics are healthy bacteria that can support a healthy digestive and immune system, and a range of other health benefits.
Types of Probiotics
Probiotics are broken down by their genus, species, and strain. The type of probiotic and what it does in our gut will determine the health benefits of that specific type. At PurelyBio, our probiotic supplement contains six types of probiotics, all working together to help promote a healthy body.
Our PurelyBio Probiotic Ingredients

Lactobacillus Acidophilus
There are more than 50 species of lactobacilli, including lactobacillus acidophilus. Lactobacillus produces lactic acid when it breaks down carbohydrates, typically when breaking down sugar lactose in milk. When lactic acid is produced, it inhibits or decreases the growth of harmful microorganisms in the gut. When we eat foods that contain this type of probiotic, it can help by restoring beneficial bacteria. Studies have also linked lactobacillus acidophilus with treating yeast infections, IBS, diarrhea, and skin issues like excema.

Bifidobacterium Lactis
Also known as B. lactis, this is a powerful type of probiotic found in high amounts in the intestines and colon. The probiotics job is to help break down waste and to absorb vitamins and minerals into the body. There are a variety of benefits of adding this probiotic bacteria to your diet. Studies have shown that B. lactis can help with weight loss by reducing fat mass. It can also reduce inflammation and support a healthy immune system by improving gut health.

Lactobacillus Plantarum
L. plantarum is known for improving digestion, increasing immune health, and helping to improve our overall health. L. plantarum is a strong probiotic that actually produces its own antibiotic, which targets bad bacteria. This type of probiotic is also beneficial because it produces lysine, an essential amino acid. Along with helping kill bad bacteria in our gut, it also helps existing healthy bacteria grow stronger.

Lactobacillus Paracasei
L. paracasei is a type of lactic acid bacteria that is found in the intestines and our mouths. This type of probiotic is known for boosting our immune system by helping to fight off infection, reducing inflammation, and improving digestion by increasing the number of good bacteria and reducing the number of bad bacteria. Along with these incredible benefits, the L. paracasei probiotic also helps absorb nutrients from food.

Marine Polysaccharides
Acid in our stomach can hinder probiotics from being as effective as possible. Even though marine polysaccharides aren’t a type of probiotic, they are significant in helping you reap all of the benefits. Marine polysaccharides, typically a type of seaweed, are used as a barrier to protect the probiotic from stomach acid. Probiotics inside a marine polysaccharide capsule will last longer in the gut, ensuring long-lasting effects.

Fructooligosaccharides (FOS)
FOS is a type of carbohydrate and an alternative to sugar. Unlike sugar, which can spike glucose levels and get in the way of weight loss goals, FOS is a low-calorie sweetener and won’t affect blood sugar levels. The plant-based sweetener is found commonly in blue agave, garlic, onion, asparagus, and other foods.
What Are Colony Forming Units?
The PurelyBio Probiotic 40 Billion contains, you guessed it, 40 billion colony forming units — but what does this mean and why is it important?
The number of CFUs in a probiotic simply refers to the number of live microorganisms that can be found in each capsule. But let’s take a closer look at what a colony forming unit really is. The crucial part of microorganisms in a probiotic is that they are alive and not dead. One CFU is a bacterial organism that is alive and able to reproduce and form a larger colony of the same type of bacteria. The more CFUs in a probiotic, the more they can reproduce and continue to provide health benefits to your body. It is important, however, that the bacteria are viable and able to survive the acid present in your stomach. This is what makes the probiotic from PurelyBio one step above the rest. Mentioned above, one of our ingredients is marine polysaccharides, which help our probiotic bacterias live longer in your gut.
Benefits of Probiotics
Even though the science behind probiotics can be a little confusing, the important thing is that you can feel and experience the benefits! If you’re new to taking a probiotic supplement, it may take a few weeks to notice results, so stick with it and don’t get discouraged.

Weight loss:
A probiotic supplement can help users lose weight in several ways. We mentioned above that probiotics help the body absorb nutrients. Well, they can also prevent the absorption of fat in the intestine, and instead of being stored in the body, it’s released as waste. Similarly to protein, probiotics can also help you feel full longer and burn more calories. Lactobacillus acidophilus, a probiotic in PurelyBio’s supplement, has been found to help users lose weight as well.

Many types of probiotics produce lactic acid, which can help reduce cholesterol by breaking down bile in the gut. Bile is a fluid that is mainly made of cholesterol. Lower cholesterol levels will help improve cardiovascular health and reduce the risk of heart disease.

Immune Health:
A significant benefit of probiotic supplements is that they boost immune health by preventing the growth of bad bacteria and strengthening the intestine wall. When bad bacteria exist and are able to leak through the intestines and enter the bloodstream, there’s a higher risk of developing respiratory issues and other health problems.

Skin health:
Probiotic supplements are also known to help reduce inflammation, symptoms of which can show up on our skin as eczema, acne, or rosacea.

Digestive Health:
Probiotics are known for helping to improve digestive health. Probiotic supplements help to restore healthy bacteria in the gut, improving overall health and symptoms of constipation, IBS, Crohn’s disease, and other conditions of the GI tract.

Mental Health:
Studies have linked probiotic supplements to mental health. Both bifidobacterium and lactobacillus strains of probiotics can reduce anxiety, depression, stress, OCD, and help improve memory. Taking a supplement or increasing the intake of probiotic foods for eight weeks can help improve mental health.